Bulletins of the Czechoslovak Society for Electron Microscopy

CSEM Bulletins are written mostly in Czech and Slovak
Bulletin No. 1 (1993) Bulletin No. 2 (1993) Bulletin No. 3 (1993)
Bulletin No. 4 (1994) Bulletin No. 5 (1995) Bulletin No. 6 (1995)
Bulletin No. 7 (1996) Bulletin No. 8 (1997) Bulletin No. 9 (1998)
Bulletin No. 10 (2000)    

The Bulletin of the Czechoslovak Society for Electron Microscopy (CSEM) is an electronical journal available to the registered members of CSEM and other visitors to the CSEM Web pages. It is published under the auspices of the CSEM Committee. The editors are Ludek Frank and Petr Schauer.

The manuscripts of contributions are accepted solely from the registered CSEM members and should be sent to the address:

Czechoslovak Society for Electron Microscopy
Kralovopolska 147, CZ - 612 64 Brno
Czech Republic
Fax ++420 5 41514 337
E-mail csem@isibrno.cz

For the section of original papers we accept shorter original research papers (written in English) from the field of instrumentation or experiment methodology, i.e. fields of interest of the majority of readers. Further we encourage our members to submit book reviews, conferences assessments, review articles on novel instruments, descriptions of laboratory tricks, contributions to the exchange of small technical ideas, and news items expressing offers or demands in the field of non-traditional or difficult analyses.

The authors are asked to send the texts in the MS Word 97 format and the pictures in the GIF or JPEG formats, all as an e-mail attachment to the address above.

We offer the companies the possibility of inserting full screen (half-screen) advertisements at a price of 80 (40) DM for the collective member of CSEM and 100 (50) DM for others. The fully processed picture in … format should be e-mailed to the address above.

This page was prepared by
Petr Schauer,
ISI ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic
updated on February 5, 2001
(transfer to the CSMS home page)